Street Department
The city's sign crew maintains over 8,000 signs throughout the city of Hastings, averaging over 900 repaired, replaced and installed signs a year. Our sign shop can make nearly any sign needed with our sign software and vinyl plotter.
Sign Management
Since 1998, sign management software has been used by the city's sign crew. A number on the back of each sign corresponds with a record of that sign which includes the maintenance history, install date, and an image of the sign with GPS coordinates.
Report a damaged sign
If you need to report a missing, faded or damaged sign call:
(402) 462-7111 (Sign Shop) or (402) 461-2341
(Street Department). Damaged Stop or Yield signs should be reported as soon as possible. After hours call the 911 center and an on-call person from the Street Department will be contacted.
Street Marker Signs
Street Marker Signs are removed as part of a project to the city's outdated street marker signs. New signs are reflective and will increase day and night time visibility.