City Ordinances

An ordinance is local law, enacted by the proper authorities, prescribing general, uniform, and permanent rules of conduct relating to the corporate affairs of the municipality. Ordinances deal with maintaining public safety, zoning, behavior and general welfare. Ordinances of the City of Hastings adopted by City Council after January 1, 2023 are listed below.

City Ordinance

ORD 4734

Approved 2023

amending the Zoning District Map - PUBLISHED 5/09/2023

ORD 4733

Approved 2023

amending Sec. 15-310 of City Code to provide speed limits on Showboat Blvd. US Hwy. 6 to 422' north of 12th St. - PUBLISHED 4/25/3023

ORD 4732

Approved 2023

amending Section 2-501 of City Code to remove Director of Development Services from list of Dept. Heads - PUBLISHED 4/25/2023

ORD 4731

Approved 2023

amending the Zoning District Map - PUBLISHED 4/11/2023

ORD 4730

Approved 2023

enacting Section 18-151 of City Code creating an offense if a person enters a vehicle without permission - PUBLISHED 4/11/2023

ORD 4729

Approved 2023

combined utilities revenue bonds - PUBLISHED 2/14/2023

ORD 4728

Approved 2023

extend corporate limits - PUBLISHED 2/14/2023