City Requesting Input on Comprehensive Plan Update

The City of Hastings still needs your input on their Comprehensive Plan update. There are a lot of ways to get involved through our survey, crowdsourcing, or MindMixer. If you get involved on MindMixer, you might be able to treat yourself on us.

MindMixer is a forum where the City, planning consultants, and the citizens of Hastings are having an open dialogue about any issue facing the city. On this site, the planning consultants from Marvin Planning Consultants have been posing questions about the future of the city. Participants have also been posing questions back and commenting on other people’s thoughts. Anyone can get involved by providing an email. All responses are anonymous.

To win a gift card, the planning team will be rewarding participants based on the following point system:

  • Create an Account: 50 points
  • Submit a Thought: 25 points
  • Share With Your Social Networks: 25 points
  • Submit an Idea or Photo: 10 points
  • Complete a Survey: 50 points
  • Comment on an Idea: 2 points
  • Vote in a Poll: 2 points
  • Rate an Idea: 2 points
  • Your Idea is Rated: 10 points

Go to and follow the links to our MindMixer site. If you are a top participant, you will be contacted to receive your choice of a gift card to many of Hastings’ best restaurants, coffee shops, and experiences.

Published Date: 01/19/2023

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