City cleaning up following storm

Several City of Hastings departments are responding to the effects of the storm that passed through Hastings during the early morning hours of Friday, May 24.

The hardest hit areas are between Fifth and 14th streets. Several fallen trees were blocking roads.  

After thorough assessment of tree damage in Hastings, the Hastings Solid Waste Landfill is accepting tree branches from within city limits for free as of 11:30 a.m. Anything brought in previously on Friday morning is not eligible for reimbursement. 

Free disposal is limited to tree debris only. Contractors are not eligible for free tree debris disposal.

The landfill is asking everyone entering to visit the scale house first for proper direction on where to go. 

The opening of the landfill for tree debris from within Hastings city limits effect through Tuesday May 28, because the landfill is closed Monday, May 27 in observance of Memorial Day. The cemetery is not open for operation on Sundays.

The primary focus on Friday, May 24 is clearing roads and cleaning Parkview Cemetery for Memorial Day. 

Cleanup will go well into next week. 

Hastings Utilities electric distribution crews are continuing to respond to all the damages and restore customers’ electricity as soon as possible. 

To submit an outage issue, or view the citizen outage map, go to

If a downed tree limb or other flying debris hit and damaged a home, business, or accessory building, the Development Services office can help inspect the property to make sure it is safe and sound. 

Please remember that structural repairs and most repairs or replacement roof and siding require a building permit. Development Services is available to inspect any and give guidance on needed permits. Please call the office at (402) 461-2302.

Published Date: 05/24/2024

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