Sept. 11 ceremony to be at New Hope Baptist Church

The City of Hastings’ Sept. 11 ceremony will take place this year at New Hope Baptist Church, 1204 W. Fifth St.

The ceremony begins at 10 a.m. at the church.

Participating entities include Hastings Fire and Rescue and HFR Honor Guard, Hastings Police Department, 911 Dispatch, Adams County Sheriff’s Office, Hastings Rural Volunteer Fire Department, Juniata Volunteer Fire Department and Livingston Butler Volland Funeral Home.   

There will be posting of the colors and Pledge of Allegiance.

Captain Jason Haase with the Hastings Police Department will provide the address. 

There will be readings representing crashes into the North World Trade Center building, South World Trade Center building and Pentagon; South Tower collapse; crash near Shanksville, Pennsylvania; and North Tower collapse.   

Rev. Eddie Goff, who is Chaplain for the Fire Department and Hastings Police Department and pastor at New Hope Baptist Church, will provide the opening and closing prayers.

The ceremony will also be streamed live at

Published Date: 09/ 3/2024

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