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Oct. 7 to be last day of operation for Fisher Fountain in 2024
Monday Oct. 7, marks the end of operation season for Jacob Fisher Rainbow Fountain, weather permitting.
The fountain, located in front of Hastings Utilities headquarters at 1228 N. Denver Ave., will continue to run its water and light show through Oct. 6 before getting cleaned and winterized on Oct. 7.
The fountain will also be painted this year to expedite the start of the season for operation in 2025.
The traditional season for operation begins Mother’s Day weekend and concludes when temperatures get colder, usually in early October. Operation is subject to ending sooner than Oct. 7 depending on the weather forecast.
Jacob Fisher Rainbow Fountain is a local and regional landmark which draws numerous crowds to its location throughout the summer months. Originally meant to be a temporary exhibit at the 1932 Adams County Fair, it was relocated to Highland Park, the municipal park located in front of Hastings Utilities' main offices, in 1933. It was a "sign of hope" for local and area citizens during the Depression and dust bowl days of the 1930's.
Fisher Fountain, the largest of its kind between Denver and Chicago, remains a source of great community pride today. Its name was derived from two winning essays written by young school children in an effort to name the structure. Jacob Fisher was the mayor of Hastings when the park was first developed. The "Rainbow Fountain" describes the many changing colors of lights that accompany the varying arrays of water sprays.
Published Date: 09/24/2024