GIS Maps

This Geographical Interface System (GIS) website is a result of the combined efforts from Adams County, the City of Hastings, and Hastings Utilities. Data is constantly being updated and edited by staff at the City of Hastings and Adams County.  The information is shared and collected to provide citizens access to an abundance of information. All data is for public use.

Our Interactive map is a web based application that allows searches to find locations through the city and county.  A few of things it provides is information about properties, utilities, voting precincts, school jurisdictions, zoning, and aerial photos along with other items of information.

Launch the City of Hastings/Adams County Interactive Map


View the City of Hastings GIS Hub to see GIS applications and data available across the entire City website.

City of Hastings GIS Hub

Below you will find PDF Maps currently on the City Website.


City Limit and Two Mile Map

Shows the City Limit & Two Mile Jurisdiction for the City of Hastings

Pioneer Spirit Trail


Maps showing the Master Trail Map along with a map depicting distances on certain parts of the trail.

Snow Emergency Route Map

Map depicting the snow emergency routes in Hastings.

Voting Ward Map

Shows the Voting Wards/Precincts for City Council