Hastings Police Department
Crime Prevention
Understanding Nebraska's Protection Orders
A guide for victims, law enforcement and service providers.
Information Courtesy Nebraska Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence
What is a Protection Order?
A protection order is a special type of order issued by a Judge which orders someone who has been harming another person not to harm that person again.
There are two different types of protection orders:
Domestic Abuse Protection Order
You can apply for a Domestic Abuse Protection Order if the person abusing you is a spouse, former spouse, a person you currently live with or have lived with in the past, a person with whom you have a child in common, your child or another relative. For a domestic abuse protection order to be issued by the Court, you must show that your abuser was physically violent to you or threatened you with physical violence and the threat placed you in fear.
Harassment Protection Order
A Harassment Protection Order can be issued against anyone who is harassing you; it may be a family member, someone you've dated or a casual acquaintance. Examples of harassing behavior are stalking, following, detaining or repeated phone calls. For a harassment order to be issued by the Court, you need to prove to the Court that these behaviors frightened you.
What Relief is Available if I am Granted a Protection Order?
Relief from a Domestic Abuse Protection Order includes:
- Stopping your abuser from restraining you,
- Stopping your abuser from threatening or assaulting you,
- Stopping your abuser from contacting you,
- Removing and excluding your abuser from your residence,
- Ordering your abuser to stay away from certain locations, such as work,
- Granting you temporary custody of your children.
It is important to know that although a Domestic Abuse Protection Order may allow you to obtain temporary custody of your children, the order will only last up to 90 days. If you do not have legal custody of your children and you believe your abuser may attempt to take the children, contact an attorney as soon as possible to proceed with a divorce, legal separation, paternity or other court action to deal with the issues of custody and child support.
Relief from a Harassment Protection Order includes:
- Prohibiting your harasser from restraining you,
- Prohibiting your harasser from threatening or assaulting you,
- Prohibiting your harasser from contacting you.
How Do I Get a Protection Order?
If you are interested in applying for a protection order, there is a packet of forms you need to complete and file with the District Court Clerk.
Where Do I Get the Forms?
The protection order applications are available at the Clerk of the District Court's office, your local domestic violence program or victim/witness unit. You can complete these forms without the help of an attorney. The district court clerk may not help you complete these forms, so you may want to contact the local domestic violence program or victim/witness unit for assistance.
What Information Will I Need to Complete the Forms?
You will be asked to provide certain information on your application including:
- Specific information of recent abusive events including dates, times and locations,
- Basic information about your abuser including date of birth, social security number and mailing address,
- Past or current court cases involving custody, divorce proceedings, juvenile court actions or other protection orders.
What are the Costs for Filing for a Protection Order?
You will not have to pay to file a protection order unless the Court finds that statements you made in the application were not true. Therefore, you need to make sure that all the information contained in the application is as accurate as possible. The Court could also assess the costs associated with applying for the protection order to your abuser.
What Happens After I Complete the Paperwork?
Once you complete the application, the District Court Clerk will take the forms to a Judge who decides if there is enough evidence to issue an order immediately. If the order is granted, the Clerk will provide the sheriff's department with a copy to serve on your abuser. The order will not be in effect until the abuser has been served. You will also receive a copy of the order and you should keep it with you at all times.
When the temporary order is served, your abuser may request a hearing.
If a hearing is requested:
- The request must be made within five (5) days of being served
- You will be notified of the date and time by the District Court Clerk
- You should make every effort to attend the hearing as you may need to tell the Judge again why you need a protection order
- Your abuser will be given a chance to tell the Judge why a protection order should not be granted
- The Judge will decide whether to keep the protection order in effect for one year
If a hearing is not requested:
- The temporary protection order becomes final without a hearing
- The protection order is valid for one year.
If you file your application and the Judge decides not to issue an order immediately, you and your abuser will be notified by the Court of a hearing date. It is important to remember that at this point, you do not have a temporary protection order. At that hearing, you will be asked to show the Judge why you believe a protection order should be issued.
What Happens If a Protection Order is Violated?
If you have a domestic abuse protection order and you believe your abuser is violating that order, you should call your local law enforcement. If law enforcement officers have reason to believe that the protection order has been violated, they will make an arrest and take your abuser to jail. Your abuser will not be released from jail until there is a hearing before a Judge. If a person is convicted of a violation, the penalties include up to six (6) months in jail and/or a $1000 fine.
What If I Want the Protection Order Dropped?
If you decide you no longer need the protection order, you need to contact the Court to ask for the order to be withdrawn. The Judge may decide to keep the protection order in effect even if you request that it be dismissed. Protection orders remain in effect for one year or until they are removed by a court action.
Other Considerations:
If I Move to Another State, Will My Protection Order Be Enforced There?
According to Federal law, a valid protection order should be enforced anywhere in the United States. If you move to another state, your Nebraska protection order will be enforced there.
Many states have laws or rules about how to get out-of-state protection orders enforced. These rules are not the same in every state. You can find out how to get your order enforced by calling a domestic violence program, local law enforcement or the court clerk to help you get this information. If you do not know how to contact the domestic violence program in your area, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.
Since this is a new law and there are still some people who do not know about it, you may need to get an attorney or an advocate from a local domestic violence program to help you get your order enforced.
If I Have a Protection Order From Another State, Will It Be Enforced in Nebraska?
Nebraska law provides for law enforcement to enforce valid protection orders from other states and tribal lands. You can call local law enforcement if your abuser disobeys the order. When law enforcement arrive, you should show them a copy of the protection order. The officer should enforce the order just as if it were issued in Nebraska. It is very important to always have a copy of the order with you.
Other Federal Laws
There are also federal laws that apply after a valid protection order has been issued. For example:
- It is a Federal crime to travel across state or tribal lines with the intent to injure you and then intentionally commit a crime of violence against you.
- It is a Federal crime to travel across state or tribal lines with the intent to violate a protection order and subsequently violate the order.
- Individuals who have domestic violence protection orders issued against them may be prohibited from purchasing, receiving and possessing firearms and ammunition.
What Can the Local Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Program Do For Me?
Protection orders can be very useful and necessary. However, they do have limitations. As you are aware, your abuser may not be deterred by the court order and could still assault you before you are able to call law enforcement for assistance.
Your local domestic violence program or victim/witness unit can assist you in evaluating whether a protection order is the best option for your situation. While they cannot give legal advice, they can help you complete the necessary forms and accompany you through the court process. Additionally, domestic violence/sexual assault programs can:
- Provide confidential support and information 24-hour hours a day;
- Arrange for a safe place for you and your children to stay;
- Provide emergency transportation to shelter, court proceedings, medical services, or to other community agencies when necessary;
- Accompany you to hospital emergency rooms and local medical offices for treatment of injuries or a rape exam; and
- Make referrals for your other immediate needs.
You can contact your local domestic violence/sexual assault program by calling the statewide hotline at:
For More Information or Assistance with Applying for a Protection Order, Contact:
In the Hastings area, SASA Hotline:
(402) 463-4677
Nebraska's Statewide Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Crisis Line:
Outside of Nebraska, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline:
Other Important Telephone Numbers:
Sheriff: Adams County (402) 461-7181
Police: Hastings (402) 461-2380
County Attorney: Adams County (402) 461-7240
District Court Clerk: (402) 461-7264
This brochure is not intended to replace the advice of an attorney.
Provided by: Nebraska Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Coalition
825 M Street, # 404, Lincoln, NE 68508 (402) 476-6256
Funded by a grant #97-VAW-713 from Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice.