- Development Services Questions
- Gas Questions
- Can I install my own gas appliances?
- Why is my appliance putting out carbon monoxide?
- Can I put a gas log in a bedroom?
- What gas code is the City of Hastings currently under?
- Where can I purchase a copy of the 2009 National Fuel Gas Code?
- Where can I vent a flue?
- Can corrugated stainless steel tubing be used as an appliance connecter?
- Building Questions
- When do I need a building permit?
- Can I put up one of those metal carports?
- When do I need an inspection for my project?
- Can I be my own contractor or build the project myself?
- How long does it take to get a building permit?
- How much does a building permit cost?
- Why do I need to locate my property corners (property pins or property line)?
- How do I locate my property corners (property pins)?
- Where can I get a copy of the building code?
- What model building codes have been adopted in the City of Hastings?
- How can I determine if a property is in a flood hazard zone?
- Gas Questions
- Engineering Questions
- Storm Water Management Questions
- What is the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Water Program?
- Are sewers and storm drains the same thing?
- What can I do to prevent storm water pollution?
- Can any products be safely poured down the storm drains?
- How do I report illegal dumping or suspicious discharges?
- Where can I find the NPDES FAQs?
- General Questions
- What is my wheel tax money used for?
- What is Highway Allocation money and how is it determined?
- How do I request that my street be paved?
- Where do I call for repairs to my street, such as potholes?
- Where do I report a traffic control sign or street sign that is missing or damaged?
- There is trash or debris in the roadway blocking traffic, who should I call?
- Where do I report a street light or traffic light that isn't working properly?
- How do I request a new street light or street sign be installed?
- I would like to know the traffic count for a certain area or Hastings, who do I contact?
- A storm knocked down tree limbs, will the City pick them up?
- There are flags on my yard or terrace, what work is being done?
- I need to locate my property pins, will the City help?
- What if I'd rather be connected to the Utilities Water System?
- Are there any frontage fees due for water/sewer?
- Storm Water Management Questions
- General Questions
- Where can I obtain a food handler's permit?
- Where do I go to get a marriage license?
- Where do I go to get a driver's license?
- Where do I go to get my car titled?
- How do I contact Social Services?
- Where and how can I obtain a passport?
- What is the amount of sales tax in Hastings?
- What is the population of the City of Hastings?
- How do I find out about the History of Hastings or Genealogy of Family?
- I'm moving to Hastings and I'm looking for housing.
- Where do I pay my house taxes?
- When is my court date?
- Human Resources Questions
- Employment Questions
- How do I find out about current job openings with the City of Hastings?
- How do I find out about the job duties, requirements for application and type of examinations?
- How do I apply for a current job opening with the City of Hastings?
- Can I apply for openings that indicate they are designated for city employee applicants only?
- What if the position I am interested in is not listed in the current job openings?
- What does it mean when a position deadline is “open and continuous?”
- Do I have to live in the City of Hastings to apply for a position?
- How do I submit my application?
- Do I need to submit anything else with my application?
- May I submit a resume and be called when something becomes available in my field?
- Do I have to be a U.S. Citizen to apply?
- What happens to my application after I have submitted it?
- Employment Questions
- Library Questions
- Services Questions
- How do I borrow items from other libraries? InterLibrary Loan Service
- Do you offer proctored exams?
- Does the Library have tax forms?
- Does the Library offer printing services?
- Do you have public Wi-Fi?
- Are there computers available for public use?
- What if I need help with using a computer?
- What is the microfilm?
- Services Questions
- Solid Waste Landfill Questions
- Are there requirements to secure and cover solid waste being brought to the landfill?
- Does the Hastings Landfill provide tours of the facility?
- What is the most important message the landfill staff wants all customers to know?
- Does the landfill close due to inclement weather?
- Is the Hastings landfill permitted by State or Federal Agencies?
- Will the landfill take paint?
- What are the fees charged for solid waste disposal?
- Street Questions
- Where do I call for repairs to my street or alley, such as potholes?
- Where do I report a traffic control sign or street sign that is missing or damaged?
- Where do I report a street light or traffic light that isn't working properly?
- Where do I report rough railroad crossings?
- Who is responsible for sidewalk repair?
- What is the amount of snow we must receive before the City will plow residential streets?
- Where can I obtain dirt for use at my residence?
- Who is responsible for terrace trees?
- A storm knocked down tree limbs, will the City pick them up?
- How often or when is my street swept?
- What can I do to request that a sign on the city streets is changed or added.
- Utilities Questions
- Wells & Septic Tanks Questions
- Where do I get my water or how is the sewer treated?
- If there is a well already in existence on the property, can I use it?
- Who owns the service lines?
- What if I want to abandon my well after connecting to the Utilities Water System?
- There is already a septic tank on the property. Can I still use the septic tank if I connect to the Utilities Water System?
- After connecting to the sanitary sewer, what do I do with my septic tank?
- Community Solar Farm Questions
- Is there minimum participation length if a sign up?
- Is the renewable energy I buy through the Community Solar Farm being delivered directly to my home?
- What is Community Solar?
- What are the options to participate?
- Who can participate?
- What is the lifespan of the Community Solar Farm?
- Where will Hastings Community Solar Farm be Located?
- What are the benefits of a Community Solar Farm?
- When can I start participating?
- Can I participate in both?
- How much can I purchase?
- What is the cost of each option?
- What happens if the solar energy I purchase is greater than my electric bill?
- What is the Fuel Cost Rebate that is associated with the panel and solar share options?
- What is the Solar Maintenance Charge that is associated with the panel option?
- How can I participate in Hastings Community Solar Farm Phase 1?
- What can I do with my panels/shares if I move or no longer want them?
- What happens to the renewable energy credits (RECs) from this Solar Farm?
- What happens to these panels in a hail storm?
- Can I take advantage of the Federal Investment Tax Credit?
- Who can I call if I have additional questions?
- Wells & Septic Tanks Questions
Development Services
Can I install my own gas appliances?
No, all gas appliances must be installed by a licensed gasfitter.
Why is my appliance putting out carbon monoxide?
There can be several reasons, but the most common is that the appliance needs cleaning or service.
Where can I purchase a copy of the 2009 National Fuel Gas Code?
From the NFPA, toll free at (800) 344-3555 or www.nfpacatalog.org
Where can I vent a flue?
Consult the 2009 NFGC. Observe distances to roof peaks, windows, roof peaks, air intakes and other openings.
Can corrugated stainless steel tubing be used as an appliance connecter?
No, This material is not rated for use as an appliance connector.
When do I need a building permit?
The following construction projects require a building permit: Sheds, garages, decks, covered patios, patio covers, carports, installation of an egress window, installation of new windows of different size (smaller or larger), basement finish, any structural alteration, new dwellings, building additions, any new building.
Permits are also required for fences, swimming pools that are over 2' deep, building demolition, building moving and sign installations/renovations.
Can I put up one of those metal carports?
No, Hastings City Code 34-311 requires that accessory structures, including carports, shall be architecturally harmonious with the principle structure, matching the material, design, style and color of the principle structure. All structures must also comply with the International Residential Code or International Building Code.
When do I need an inspection for my project?
Most projects require:
- A footing inspection of the footing or foundation when forms are ready and reinforcing steel is in place.
- A framing inspection when all framing is complete, and just before insulating.
- A final inspection when the project is complete and ready for occupancy.
- Any necessary plumbing, mechanical or electrical inspections. Licensed trades contractors will schedule these inspections.
Can I be my own contractor or build the project myself?
Any property owner or their designee can apply for a building permit and can do the project. No license is required for a building project. However, the help of a professional contractor can often speed up the construction process and avoid unnecessary headaches and delays. All electrical, gas and plumbing work require a licensed master contractor, licensed in the City of Hastings.
How long does it take to get a building permit?
Usually, it takes about 7 to 10 business days to get a permit once you have made application and paid the application fee. Larger or more complex projects may take more time to review.
How much does a building permit cost?
The minimum fee is $30.00, but permit fees are based on the estimated cost of the project, as calculated from the square foot area of the project. The permit fee for a typical new home of about 1500 sq ft, with a three-car attached garage and deck is about $850.00.
Why do I need to locate my property corners (property pins or property line)?
This establishes the property line and will determine where a building may be placed on the site. All building and zoning setbacks are measured from property lines.
How do I locate my property corners (property pins)?
You can hire a Registered Land Surveyor, or you can try to find them yourself. Looking for them your self can be frustrating and time consuming. Some helpful tools include a metal detector, plat or survey of the property, and of course, a shovel.
Where can I get a copy of the building code?
You can access a reference copy of the adopted model building codes at the Development Services Department, at the City Clerk's office or at the Hastings Public Library. If you wish to purchase a code, contact the International Code Council.
What model building codes have been adopted in the City of Hastings?
2018 International Building Code, 2018 International Residential Code, 2018 International Mechanical Code, 2018 International Existing Building Code, 2018 International Energy Conservation Code, 2018 International Plumbing Code, 2017 National Electric Code, 2018 National Fuel Gas Code, 2018 International Property Maintenance Code, and 2018 International Fire Code (administered by the Hastings Fire Department). These codes have been adopted with local amendments. Contact the Development Services Department for more information at (402) 461-2302, (402) 461-2302 or see Chapter 28 of the City Code.
How can I determine if a property is in a flood hazard zone?
Contact the Development Services Department at (402) 461-2302 for flood determination. Be sure to have a street address, legal description of the property or both ready, so that an accurate determination can be made.
Can I Install my own plumbing on a new house or remodel?
No, it requires a permit. You need to be a licensed contractor to obtain a permit.
What plumbing code is the City of Hastings under?
2009 International Plumbing Code. You should also refer to the Hasting City Code, Chapter 30.
What types of licenses are required for plumbing?
Lawn sprinkler, water softener, utility contractors and plumbers need to be licensed.
Can I install my own electrical and wiring on a new house or remodel?
No, it requires a permit. You need to be a licensed contractor to obtain a permit.
Housing Inspection
Does the City provide Point-of-Sale Inspections?
No, however private home inspection services and local contractors provide similar services to the public, and the Department strongly encourages buyers and sellers to take advantage of such services prior to a home sale. The Department requests to be notified of any major violations identified during real estate transfers.
Storm Water Management
What is the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Water Program?
Polluted storm water runoff is a leading cause of impairment to the approximately seventy percent of surveyed U.S. water bodies which do not meet water quality standards. Over land or via storm sewer systems, polluted runoff is discharged, often untreated, directly into local water bodies. When left uncontrolled, this water pollution can result in the destruction of fish and wildlife, aquatic life habitats, a loss in aesthetic value, and threats to public health due to contaminated food, drinking water supplies, and recreational waterways.
Mandated by Congress under the Clean Water Act, the NPDES Storm Water Program is a comprehensive two-phased national program for addressing non-agricultural sources of storm water discharges which adversely affect the quality of our nation's waters. The program uses the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting mechanism requiring the implementation of controls designed to prevent harmful pollutants from entering local water bodies.
Are sewers and storm drains the same thing?
No, they are not the same thing. The two are totally separate systems from each other. A sanitary sewer system collects waste from your sinks, toilets, showers, and washing machines. The sewer system will then carry it to a treatment facility before being discharged.
Storm water is collected from our streets and then flows into a separated system. This system goes untreated and flows into local waterways, carrying all collected pollution with it.
What can I do to prevent storm water pollution?
- Don't put anything in storm drains but rainwater.
- Avoid throwing litter into the street.
- Pick up after your pet.
- Recycle your motor oil.
- Bag, compost or recycle grass, tree limbs, leaves, and other yard waste.
- Use yard waste as mulch, as natural fertilizer, or as ground cover.
- Encourage local businesses to start a recycling program if they don't already have one.
- Don't use harsh, abrasive or toxic chemicals around the house.
- Recycle your grass, "Use a Mulching Mower".
- Report illegal dumping.
- Buy just what you need to do the job.
- Be smart when you apply pesticides or fertilizers.
Can any products be safely poured down the storm drains?
No! The only thing that should enter the storm drains is rainwater. Everything that goes down the drain will end up in our local rivers and lakes, untreated.
How do I report illegal dumping or suspicious discharges?
Contact the Stormwater Pollution Hotline at (402) 461-2339 or submit the Illegal Dumping form.
What is my wheel tax money used for?
Wheel tax funds are deposited directly into the Street Fund. Funds are utilized only for street-related activities by law. The City tries to match annual street resurfacing projects with an amount equal to funds received. Currently, the City receives approximately $350,000 annually from the wheel tax.
What is Highway Allocation money and how is it determined?
Highway Allocation Fund monies are the funds distributed by the State of Nebraska from the collection of Gas Tax collected on motor fuel at the pump. Funds are distributed by a formula established by the State that utilizes population size and lane miles of streets in the formula for distribution.
As our community grows in population and increases its street inventory in lane miles, our allocation factor increases. The conversion of a gravel street to hard surfacing increases our lane miles as well as any street widening or addition of new street subdivision development.
How do I request that my street be paved?
To request the paving of a new street, a Street Improvement District must be created. Property owners in an area may petition a new district be created in their neighborhood. To start a petition, contact Lee Vrooman, Director of Engineering at Email Lee Vrooman. Lee can be reached by telephone at 461-2330 and can assist in preparing the petition with the correct boundaries before it is circulated by property owners.
Once completed, the petition should be returned to the City Engineer, and staff will verify the signatures and legal descriptions of the property owners. If the petition contains signatures of owners of 50.0% or more of the frontal footage, a Street Improvement District will be created by City Council. Work will then begin to prepare plans and specifications, advertise the district for bids and construct the new street.
Where do I call for repairs to my street, such as potholes?
To report a pothole or other damage to a street that is in need of a repair, contact the Street Department, Street Superintendent by email or by telephone at 461-2341. Since there are many repairs that need to be made each year, the Street Superintendent will evaluate and prioritize all requests.
Where do I report a traffic control sign or street sign that is missing or damaged?
If you notice a traffic control sign or a street sign that is missing or damaged, call the City of Hastings Street Department at (402) 461-2341. If the damage could potentially cause a driving hazard, call the Emergency Communications Center at (402) 461-2364 and report the sign immediately. A Street Department crew can then be dispatched to the scene.
There is trash or debris in the roadway blocking traffic, who should I call?
Call the Hastings Street Department at (402) 461-2341. If the trash is causing traffic problems or could potentially cause an accident, call the Emergency Communications Center at 461-2364, and a Street Department crew will be dispatched.
Where do I report a street light or traffic light that isn't working properly?
Street and traffic lights which are not working should be reported to Hastings Utilities at 463-1371.
How do I request a new street light or street sign be installed?
To request a new street sign (such as a stop sign) or a new street light be installed, please put your request in writing addressed to Lee Vrooman, Director of Engineering at Email Lee Vrooman or mail to 1228 North Denver Avenue, Hastings, Nebraska. The Director of Engineering will evaluate the request and make a recommendation to the City Council, who has the final say in such matters.
I would like to know the traffic count for a certain area or Hastings, who do I contact?
The Engineering office conducts traffic counts for different areas of town and keeps the information on file. To obtain a traffic count view the NDOR Traffic Counts Map or contact Brent Brooks, Engineering Assistant by telephone at 461-2333.
A storm knocked down tree limbs, will the City pick them up?
After the event of a severe storm the City may decide to pick up and dispose of any tree limbs from terrace trees. In such event the City will send out a press release to inform the citizens of the duration of this pick up.
Please contact the Parks Department at 461-2324 to notify them of downed limbs. The City, however, cannot pick up limbs from trees on private property (yards). Do not move trees from within the yard onto the terrace, the City will not pick these up.
There are flags on my yard or terrace, what work is being done?
Unfortunately, at this time there is no way to accurately tell by the flags what work is being planned. Anyone who has an easement or interest in a property can call Digger's Hotline to mark the area. It may be for work being done by the City, Hastings Utilities, Charter Communications or others.
I need to locate my property pins, will the City help?
The Engineering Department, can help give you instructions on where to locate your pins if a survey has previously be done on the property. They can be reached at (402) 461-2330.
However, if you still cannot find them or if there is no survey on record, you must contact a private surveyor. There are several qualified, experienced surveyors listed in the Yellow Pages of the local telephone book.
What if I'd rather be connected to the Utilities Water System?
Contact Tyler Waite in the Engineering Department by calling (402) 461-2330 or by email for more details and applicable costs.
Are there any frontage fees due for water/sewer?
Contact Tyler Waite in the Engineering Department by calling (402) 461-2330 or by email for more details and applicable costs.
Where can I obtain a food handler's permit?
Contact the State Department of Agriculture for information at (402) 471-2536.
Where do I go to get a marriage license?
Adams County Clerk's Office, Adams County Courthouse, 500 W 4th St or (402) 461-7107.
Where do I go to get a driver's license?
Driver's License Examiner at Adams County Courthouse, 500 W 4th St or (402) 462-1958.
Where do I go to get my car titled?
Adams County Treasurer at Adams County Courthouse, 500 W 4th St or (402) 461-7120.
How do I contact Social Services?
Adams County Office Building at 300 N St. Joseph Avenue or (402) 461-1800.
Where and how can I obtain a passport?
Any travel agency has the applications for passports. You will need a photograph. A certified birth certificate is required. If you do not have a certified birth certificate, contact the Bureau of Vital Statistics, 301 Centennial Mall South, Lincoln, NE. Phone (402) 471-2871. Take the birth certificate, passport picture and application to the Clerk of the District Court, Adams County Courthouse for a signature. Then mail to address on passport application.
What is the amount of sales tax in Hastings?
The State is 5.5% plus the City's 1.5% for a total of 7% sales tax.
How do I find out about the History of Hastings or Genealogy of Family?
Please contact the Adams County Historical Society or the Adams County Genealogical Society.
I'm moving to Hastings and I'm looking for housing.
The City does not maintain a list of housing for sale or rent. You can view classified ads for housing at the Hastings Tribune or contact the Housing Authority if you are in need of assistance. We also have several realtor groups that could be of assistance. A Real Estate, Rental, & Leasing list is also provided by the Hastings Chamber of Commerce Business Directory.
Where do I pay my house taxes?
Adams County Treasurer's Office, Adams County Courthouse, 500 W 4th St or (402) 461-7124.
When is my court date?
Please contact Adams County Court at (402) 461-7143 or District Court at (402) 461-7264, Adams County Courthouse, 500 W 4th St.
Human Resources
How do I find out about current job openings with the City of Hastings?
The link to jobs that are currently open with the City of Hastings is available here: Job Openings. Jobs are updated frequently and are viewable as long as the recruitment is open.
How do I find out about the job duties, requirements for application and type of examinations?
The City of Hastings Job Opportunity Announcements contain a list of the job duties, job requirements, type of examinations that have been scheduled for the recruitment process, and a list of any required documents to be included in your application packet.
How do I apply for a current job opening with the City of Hastings?
Click here for Job Openings. You can view the positions that are currently open, who is eligible to apply, the first and the last day to apply for a position, and the salary range for each job.
Jobs without a closing will remain open until a qualified candidate is found or are continuously open with periodic reviews of applications. Applications are accepted only for positions that are currently open.
Can I apply for openings that indicate they are designated for city employee applicants only?
Only current City of Hastings employees employed in jobs designated as "permanent" civil service positions may apply for openings restricted to city employee applicants. The general public and current City of Hastings employees serving in appointed positions or "non-permanent" positions are not eligible to apply for positions designated for city employee applicants only.
What if the position I am interested in is not listed in the current job openings?
The City of Hastings only accepts applications for positions that are shown as current openings. In addition, applications will be disqualified if they are received after the position's stated application deadline.
What does it mean when a position deadline is “open and continuous?”
A position vacancy designated as "open and continuous" means applications will be accepted until the position is filled or there will be periodic reviews of applications as vacancies become available.
Remember that applications are reviewed periodically and selection processes may be conducted at any time. It is best to file an application as early as possible in order to ensure that your application is considered during the early or initial reviews and selection processes.
Do I have to live in the City of Hastings to apply for a position?
No. Residency is not a requirement for application. However, some positions do requirements that would have to be met by the end of probation once hired.
How do I submit my application?
You can fill out your application through the job posting page, print it out and either mail it to the address below, or bring it to our offices at:
Human Resources, 1228 N. Denver Avenue, Hastings, NE 68901
Do I need to submit anything else with my application?
If supplemental information or other materials are required as part of an application, it will be indicated on the Job Opportunity Announcement. The supplemental materials are necessary to determine if the minimum qualifications for the position for which you are applying are met.
In order to be considered, you must submit all supplemental information at the same time you submit your application. ?Copies of any required licenses, transcripts or certificates that have been identified in the job posting should be attached to the application form and submitted immediately in order for your application to be accepted.
?NOTE: All materials must be received by the Human Resources Department on or before the filing deadline.
May I submit a resume and be called when something becomes available in my field?
No. The Human Resources Department does not keep resumes on file. We encourage applicants to check our website on a weekly basis so they are aware of all openings for which they might be interested.
Do I have to be a U.S. Citizen to apply?
The City of Hastings hires only U.S. citizens and lawfully authorized alien workers. However, applicants for Sworn Police and Fire positions must have U.S. Citizenship at the time of application. Every new hire will be required to complete an Employment Verification Certification (Form I-9).
What happens to my application after I have submitted it?
The process for filling a majority of position openings with the City of Hastings is established based on the City of Hastings's Civil Service Commission's Rules and Regulations.
Typically, this process includes taking a written, job-related exam at the same time an application is submitted. After the position close date, applications are sorted by their test scores and an initial review of applications is completed. During this initial review, it is determined if an application has met the minimum qualifications for the position, if the application and supplemental materials are complete (a non-complete application form and/or materials may result in disqualification), and that there are no factors that would subject an application to disqualification under the City of Hastings's Personnel Rules and Regulations or any other requirements of the position.
Following the initial review, those applicants deemed to have the most competitive application materials will be subject to further evaluation consisting of one or more of the following items: a written, oral, or performance test; a rating of education, training and experience; any test of technical knowledge, manual skill, physical or mental fitness, personality; or any combination thereof, which the Human Resources Director deems will reveal the capacity of the applicant for the particular job.
Following completion of the evaluation process(es), an "eligible to hire list" is developed by the Human Resources Department. Applicants are notified of their status and the "eligible to hire list" is referred to the hiring department who may opt to conduct additional interviews and/or testing to determine the top candidate(s).
Library Cards
Do I qualify for a library card?
Any resident or student of Adams County may sign up for a library card for free. Non-residents, either individual or family, pay only $40 a year.
What do I need to get a library card?
New borrowers must have a valid photo ID and an item showing their current address. (e.g., photo ID, piece of mail, renter’s agreement or lease, etc.)
Can I sign up for a library card online?
You may choose to sign up online. You will then need to bring your valid photo ID to the library to complete your application. To sign up, go to our Catalog Link, then choose the "Sign Up" button located in the top right corner.
How old must I be to have a library card?
There is no age limit on applying for a library card. However, children ages 15 and under need parental consent when applying. The parents or legal guardians are responsible for all items borrowed on their children’s accounts.
What is NebrasKard?
NebrasKard is a program that allows library members to borrow from other participating libraries in the state of Nebraska. Borrowers who wish to participate must be current Hastings Public Library cardholders in good standing. NebrasKards have a yearly expiration and may be renewed at the library.
What are my responsibilities as a cardholder?
You are responsible for any materials checked out on your account that may be lost, damaged, or overdue.
What if I lose my card?
If your library card is lost or stolen, notify us by phone (402) 461-2346 or by text (402) 469-6244 to report it missing. You are responsible for all materials and fines on your account until your library card is reported missing. You may replace your card at the library with a valid photo ID at no charge.
Checkouts & Renewals
How do I renew?
You may renew your items online, in person, by phone (402) 461-2346 or by text (402) 969-6244. Most items may be renewed for two additional checkout periods if no one else has reserved them.
To renew items online, access your account through the Catalog link, log in and then choose the "My Account" button in the upper right, then select the "Items Out/Renewals" tab. Click the "Renew" button for each item you want to renew.
How do I renew books borrowed from other libraries?
Please call the library (402) 461- 2346 or text us (402) 969-6244 to request a renewal.
How many items can I checkout and how long can I keep them?
(There is no limit on total number of items.)
- Books and audiobooks – 3 weeks
- New Adult Fiction – 3 weeks
- 10 limit total DVDs – Single title DVDs - 1 week, 5 limit for TV series – 3 weeks
- 5 limit Magazines – 1 week
- Kindles – 3 weeks
The library also subscribes to numerous newspapers that may be read in-house, such as the Hastings Tribune, Omaha World Herald, Wall Street Journal and more.
What are the fines for overdue or lost books?
The library became fine free in 2022. Patrons will be responsible for lost or damaged items and collection fees incurred. The fee for damaged or lost items is based upon the item. The full replacement cost is required for lost or damaged items. Failure to receive notices does not excuse overdue or lost items..
Can I still check out with fines on my account?
Library members may continue to check items out until fines or charges exceed $10.00.
What happens if I don’t pay my fines?
Hastings Public Library partners with the collection agency Unique Management Services, Inc. to collect outstanding fines and fees and to recover lost materials. Library accounts are sent to the collection agency when materials are 90 days overdue or the cost of replacing the overdue materials plus any outstanding fines for the material totals $25.00 or more.
Reserve Makerspace Tool or Room
How do I reserve a study room?
Select the Library Calendar link, from the calendar page choose "Room Bookings". You will then need to fill out the required information. You may also call the library at (402 ) 461-2346 to reserve a room.
How do I reserve a tool in the Makerspace?
Select the Library Calendar link, from the calendar page choose "Room Bookings". You will then need to fill out the required information. For more information about available tools, certification and hours, visit our Makerspace Page.
How do I borrow items from other libraries? InterLibrary Loan Service
Interlibrary Loan service provides access to borrow materials not owned by the Hastings Public Library from other libraries. You may request books, audiobooks, CDs, newspapers on microfilm, and cake pans. Most items can be obtained within two weeks.
Do you offer proctored exams?
Call or visit the library to schedule a proctored exam. After your exam has been scheduled, you will need to contact your school and arrange for the exam materials to be sent to the library. Please follow up with the library to ensure that we have received the materials before you come in to take the exam. Please notify the library of any special requirements for your exam, such as a specific browser or software needed.
Does the Library have tax forms?
The library will have individual Federal and Nebraska State tax forms as they become available. Due to IRS budget cuts, the library will receive limited IRS forms but not instructions, schedules and related publications. The first 10 pages of printed tax forms are free. Any additional pages are $0.10 per page.
The library does not offer tax help, but staff members may direct you to an organization that does.
Does the Library offer printing services?
Library staff are happy to help you print what you need from a computer. Prints, black and white or color, are $0.10 per page. Prints from library computers are held in the system at the front desk. When you are ready to collect your prints, ask and pay the fee at the front desk.
The library also offers a self-service copy machine that is available for anyone to use. It accepts coins and bills. Copies, black and white or color are $0.10 per page.
Do you have public Wi-Fi?
The library offers free Wi-Fi in all public areas. To access the free wireless network, select the network name “HPL” under your device’s wireless settings..
Are there computers available for public use?
The library offers public computers with Internet access. You may either enter your library card number and PIN to log in, or receive a guest pass from the desk. Computer users are allowed up to two hours of use per day.
The computers are equipped with Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Please bring your own flash drive to save documents or files created on a library computer.
Users of the library’s public computers must comply with the library’s Computer Use Policy, prohibiting abusive or illegal sites.
What if I need help with using a computer?
One-on-one sessions are available with a staff person by appointment and may last up to an hour. You may book follow-up appointments if needed. Please call us at (402) 461-2346 to set up a time.
Learn about:
- Computer basics
- E-mail and Internet basics
- Online job searching and resume writing
- eBooks and other digital content
- Social media
- Library resources
- Personal devices such as eReaders, tablets, smartphones, and laptops
What is the microfilm?
The microfilm reader allows you to research the following material:
- Hastings Tribune dating October 2, 1905 through the current issue
- Census of the population in Nebraska: 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930
- City directories of the United States: Hastings 1891-1960 (sporadically)
The Hastings Tribune primarily covers Adams County Nebraska obituaries. Obituary requests may be made via phone, e-mail or in person. Patrons may use the microfilm reader at the library or have photocopies e-mailed or sent in the mail.
You may order microfilm through Interlibrary Loan. You may also bring in your own film to view.
How can I find when you have story times and what other events and regular programs are available?
Hastings Public Library has a variety of programs and events for all ages from book clubs and story times to MBKC - Mega Brain Kidz Club and Makerspace workshops. For more details or to register for events, select the Library Calendar link from our website.You also have the option to sign up for our email newsletter or follow us on Facebook.
Use the library calendar search and filter options to find activities by program type or by age group. Choose an event to find out more details, including registration information. You also have the option to add an event to your calendar or set a reminder for the event.
Parks and Recreation
Boating Ordinance
What am I required to have to boat at Lake Hastings?
All boaters at Lake Hastings are required to have current state registration, liability insurance, and a Lake Hastings boat permit for their motorboat. Any person who operates a motorboat on Lake Hastings must have proof of successful completion of an approved Nebraska Boaters Safety Course or its equivalent.
Do I need to carry the card?
You are required to carry proof of completion any time you are operating a motorboat on Lake Hastings, and show it to any law enforcement officer upon request. The cards issued in Nebraska are designed to be waterproof.
When is the course scheduled?
Courses may be located by contacting your local Game and Parks Office or visiting their web site to see the Boaters Educational services provided.
Nebraska Game and Parks Commission/Nebraska Game and Parks
I’ve been boating for years, do I have to sit through the class?
No. Experienced boaters 18 and older who wish to "challenge" the exam may do so. You may take the test during the times outlined to the left. If you pass, you will be issued a card. If you do not pass, you will be asked to take the entire course. Study materials are available from Game and Parks. Those required by state law to take the course must take the entire course.
Why was this change made?
Boating Education has been proven to reduce accidents and increase safety across the nation. We believe that this ordinance will improve safety and reduce user conflicts at Lake Hastings.
Have the age limits changed?
No. City Ordinance still requires boaters to be 16 to operate any boat over 10 horsepower, and 14 to operate any boat under 10 horsepower. Operators who are 14 or 15 may operate a motorboat under direct supervision of an adult at least 21 years of age.
Does the City of Hastings have a curfew?
Yes. Youth under 16 years old cannot be out from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday, and from 12 midnight to 6:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday.
Here is the full text of the ordinances:
18-137. Curfew; imposed; exceptions.
It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of 16 years to loiter, idle, wander, stroll, play or be in or upon the public streets, public places, public buildings, places of amusement and entertainment, vacant lots or other unsupervised places, or to ride in or upon, drive or otherwise operate, any bicycle or other vehicle, in, upon, over or through said streets or other public places or unsupervised places of the City on Sunday through Thursday of each week between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. of the following day, and on Fridays and Saturdays between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m. of the following day, unless such person is accompanied by a parent, guardian, or other adult person having the legal care and custody of such minor person, or unless such minor person is upon an emergency errand or legitimate business as directed by his or her parent, guardian or legal custodian, except as hereinafter provided.
(Ord. No. 2862)
18-138. Curfew; duty of parents.
It shall be unlawful for the parent, guardian, or other person having the care and custody of a minor person under the age of 16 years to allow or permit such minor person to do any of the things or acts prohibited by Section 18-137 of this Chapter on Sunday through Thursday of each week between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. of the following day, and on Fridays and Saturdays between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m. of the following day, unless the minor is accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or other adult person having the legal care and custody of the minor, or unless said minor is upon an emergency errand or legitimate business, as directed by his or her parent, guardian or legal custodian.
Should I call 911 to report everything to the Police Department?
911 is for reporting emergencies only. Use 461-2380 to contact the HPD business office or 461-2364 to contact the 911 Center on a non-emergency line. Visit the 911 page for more information.
What can I do about abandoned vehicles on my street?
Report abandoned vehicles to 461-2388. Visit the Parking Control page for more information.
Vehicles can not be parked on public streets for over 72 hours without being used. Violators can be ticketed and towed. Vehicles left on private property are considered abandoned after 7 days and can be towed at the expense of the owner.
Where can I get bike licenses? How much are they?
Bike licenses are available for free at the Hastings Police Department, 317 S Burlington Avenue, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m to 12:00 p.m and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please bring your bike with you or your bike information, including make, model, and serial number.
Hastings City Code requires bike licenses on all bikes operated in the City of Hastings. The licenses also provide excellent protection from theft and make it easy for the police to return recovered bikes to the owners. Each year the department auctions off over 100 unclaimed bikes with no licenses.
Where can I get dog or cat licenses?
Animal licenses are available at the Hastings Police Department, or by mailing a check or money order payable to the "City of Hastings" to the Hastings Police Department, 317 S Burlington Avenue, Hastings, NE. 68901. Please bring a copy of the current Certificate of Rabies, or include it with your written request. Your license and Certificate of Rabies will then be mailed to you.
Animal licenses are required on all cats and dogs kept within the City of Hastings. License Fees are as follows:
- One Year license $11.25
- One Year for spayed or neutered animals $9.25
- One Year Senior Citizen (55+) $10.25
- Three Year License $29.25
- Three Year for spayed or neutered animals $21.25
- Three Year for Senior Citizens $25.25
- Replacement Licenses $1.75
Where can I ride my motorized skateboard?
Motorized skateboards, which are gaining popularity in our area, are prohibited from being operated on the street by numerous state laws. In addition, City Code prohibits the riding of ANY motorized vehicle on a city sidewalk.
Motorized skateboards, like golf carts, go-carts, riding lawnmowers, and other such vehicles can ONLY be used on private property. If you choose to ride a motorized skateboard on a city street you could face fines up to $1000. If you choose to ride on a city sidewalk you could face fines up to $100.
Solid Waste Landfill
Are there requirements to secure and cover solid waste being brought to the landfill?
To properly deliver solid waste to the Hastings Landfill, it must be securely covered or strapped. This is in accordance with City of Hastings Municipal Ordinance Chapter 9 Section 9-103 which states “All loads of waste transported to the Hastings Adams County Sanitary Landfill (i.e. Hastings Landfill) shall be covered: provided however, this requirement shall not apply when the entire load of waste is of such bulk that is it unlikely tian any of such waste will blow out of or fall out of the vehicle when driven at the speed of 55 miles per hour. Violation of this requirement shall subject the driver of the vehicle to double fees at the landfill gate.”
The purpose of this ordinance is to prevent solid waste littering the city and county roads during transportation. City staff must spend time cleaning up litter along the roadways leading to the landfill. The costs to pick up litter is reflected in the tipping fees charged for solid waste disposal. Landfill staff requests that you take care in securing your loads so that our public right of ways is kept clean of litter. This helps control the cost of solid waste disposal. If you have any questions on when or how to secure your loads brought to the landfill please contact the Hastings Landfill Facility at (402) 463-0705 during normal business hours.
Does the Hastings Landfill provide tours of the facility?
Yes, the staff is more than happy to provide a tour of the facility. Landfill staff encourages anyone to call and set up a time for a tour. Larger groups are welcomed as well. Please contact the landfill staff to set up a time to visit the site and to avoid heavy use times.
What is the most important message the landfill staff wants all customers to know?
The landfill staff is concerned about public and staff's safety. It has been noted that "A solid waste facility is a construction site where we allow the public to drive their own vehicle next to heavy equipment." The staff wants the public to understand they want you to be safe and at times they must direct you to abide by required safety procedures. We ask you follow directions giving by staff.
Does the landfill close due to inclement weather?
The landfill operations may close or implement restriction due to inclement weather. This may be due to snow storms, rain, high wind and lighting. The staff is commented to providing a safe operation for the staff and public. High wind is a concern due to the unloading of solid waste into the active fill areas. This is especially a concern as the fill of solid waste is now occurring above ground level.
Is the Hastings landfill permitted by State or Federal Agencies?
The Hastings Landfill is permitted by the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE). This operation permit has requirements on what kinds of solid waste can be disposed at the landfill. It also requires report and proper handling procedures. A copy of the permit is available on-line at the NDEE website.
Will the landfill take paint?
The landfill will take paint if it is not liquid. You can let the paint dry out, add kitty litter, pour on used carpet and let it dry, or other means to dry any unused paint. Please keep lids off of paint cans to facilitate inspection.
What are the fees charged for solid waste disposal?
View our Facility & Fees page for detailed listing of fees.
Where do I call for repairs to my street or alley, such as potholes?
To report a pothole or other damage to a street or alley that is in need of a repair, contact the Street Department Street Superintendent by email, by telephone at (402) 461-2341, or fill out form. Since there are many repairs that need to be made each year, the Street Superintendent will evaluate and prioritize all requests.
Where do I report a traffic control sign or street sign that is missing or damaged?
If you notice a traffic control sign or a street sign that is missing or damaged, call the City of Hastings Street Department at (402) 461-2341. If the damage could potentially cause a driving hazard, call the Emergency Communications Center at (402) 461-2364 and report the sign immediately. A Street Department crew can then be dispatched to the scene.
Where do I report a street light or traffic light that isn't working properly?
Street and traffic lights which are not working should be reported to Hastings Utilities (Electric Department) at (402) 463-1371.
Where do I report rough railroad crossings?
If you would like to report a rough railroad crossing, please notify the appropriate company listed below.
- Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad - (800) 795-2673
- Union Pacific Railroad - (888) 870-8777
Who is responsible for sidewalk repair?
The property owner must maintain the sidewalk in good and proper repair. Report sidewalk concerns to Police Department by calling (402) 461-2381.
What is the amount of snow we must receive before the City will plow residential streets?
Standard accumulation is 3" with additional conditions warranting the need. Decision is made by the discretion by city officials. A press release will be made if conditions are met. Learn more about snow removal.
Where can I obtain dirt for use at my residence?
Dirt, in small quantities, is available at the Street Department for local residents of Hastings. Please call the City of Hastings Street Department at (402) 461-2341. NO CONTRACTORS
Who is responsible for terrace trees?
The property owner is responsible for normal pruning and care of trees. The Parks Department will take care of any terrace tree that is dead or is diseased. If the trees are touching electrical wires, Hastings Utilities must be called to cut limbs away from wires.
A storm knocked down tree limbs, will the City pick them up?
After the event of a severe storm the City may decide to pick up and dispose of any tree limbs from terrace trees. In such event the City will send out a press release to inform the citizens of the duration of this pick up. Please contact the Parks Department at 461-2324 to notify them of downed limbs. The City, however, cannot pick up limbs from trees on private property (yards). Do not move trees from within the yard onto the terrace, the City will not pick these up.
How often or when is my street swept?
There is no set schedule for street sweeping. Sweeping is done on an as needed basis and occurs 2-3 times a year.
What can I do to request that a sign on the city streets is changed or added.
A formal letter of request must be written to the Director of Engineering and sent to City of Hastings, 1228 North Denver Ave., Hastings, NE 68901. The Director of Engineering will review the request, and if he approves will forward to the City Council for their action.
Where can I pay my utility bill?
Please see our Pay My Bill page for full details on the various methods that Hastings Utilities provides for bill payment.
Where do I sign up for utility service?
Please see our Service Sign Up and Disconnect Page for the full details of requirements and applications to sign up for Service.
How is my sewer usage bill figured?
The residential sewer charge is based on the water recorded on the January, February, and March bills. The usage is then averaged for those three months and beginning April 1st., becomes the charge for the next 12 months. For new and transferring customers, the sewer charge can be set in one of four ways:
- Transfer the sewer base from a former address within Hastings.
- Establish a sewer base by providing water bills from another city/community. The bills must reflect water usage for December, January, and February of the past year.
- Pay a flat rate based on the average residential consumption until the sewer base is established.
Why is my water bill unusually high?
Should you receive a water bill that in your opinion is unusually high, most often, the problem is a toilet flapper valve leaking by. Remove the lid of the tank, listen, and visually check for moving water. Even a very small leak can waste enough water for you to notice the increase on your bill. If your toilet is not running and the bill seems high, did you use more water outside?”
- Did you go on vacation and leave someone else in charge of watering your lawn?
- Did you recently add an underground sprinkling system?
- If you have an underground sprinkling system could there be a broken head?
Did you use more water inside?
- Did you do additional laundry before taking a vacation or after returning from one?
- Did you have extra company staying with you during the month?
What is the hardness of my water?
The typical hardness of the water in the City of Hastings is 12 to 15 grains per gallon. If you have a water softener, Hastings Utilities recommends that it be set at 12 grains per gallon and adjusted higher as needed.
Someone placed different colored flags in my yard, Why?
You may have colored flags in your yard because either you or your neighbor have called Diggers Hotline to have the utility lines located in the area where some sort of construction or digging will occur.
Wells & Septic Tanks
Where do I get my water or how is the sewer treated?
This depends whether you have municipal water and sewer service. Contact Hastings Utilities for assistance.
If there is a well already in existence on the property, can I use it?
This depends on availability of municipal water service. If you have more than 2 acres of land, then the well can be used for irrigation. If municipal water service is also provided, a backflow preventer shall be installed.
Who owns the service lines?
The service line from the resident to the property line is owned and maintained by the homeowner. The service line from the property line to the water main is installed by the homeowner but maintained by the utilities.
What if I want to abandon my well after connecting to the Utilities Water System?
If you have less than two acres your well must be abandoned. If you have two acres or more and choose not to use it for irrigation your well must be abandoned by a certified well driller. Hastings Utilities will provide financial assistance up to $200 for properly abandoning a well for those customers who are or will be connected to the Utilities Water System. Contact Marty Stange in the Hastings Utilities Engineering Department by calling (402) 463-1371 or by email. The Little Blue Natural Resource District (NRD) will also provide financial assistance up to $300 for properly abandoning a well, regardless of whether or not you are connected to the Utilities Water System. Visit the NRD website for details.
There is already a septic tank on the property. Can I still use the septic tank if I connect to the Utilities Water System?
This depends on availability of sanitary sewer service. Contact Tyler Waite in the Engineering Department by calling (402) 461-2330 or by email for more details and applicable costs.
After connecting to the sanitary sewer, what do I do with my septic tank?
The septic tank must be properly abandoned. Hastings Utilities will provide financial assistance up to $200 for properly abandoning a septic tank for those customers who are or will be connecting to the Utilities Sanitary Sewer System. Contact Tyler Waite in the Engineering Department by calling (402) 461-2330 or by email for more details and applicable costs.
Community Solar Farm
Is there minimum participation length if a sign up?
A customer will need to put down an initial deposit of $50 when they sign up for either option of community solar. After 1 year of participation, the deposit will be credited back onto your bill.
NOTE: One big benefit is the price stability this project offers. While standard rate for electricity can change over time, the portion of your energy that comes from this project will be fixed for the full term (30 years).
Is the renewable energy I buy through the Community Solar Farm being delivered directly to my home?
The community solar farm will supply energy directly to the Hastings distribution and transmission system. While the energy from the solar farm may not be delivered specifically to your home, it will be accounted for in Hastings total city load and have an environmental impact throughout the entire system. The environmental offset will be tracked through the decreased energy that Hastings Utilities purchases from the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) electric region (https://www.ferc.gov/electric-power-markets).
What is Community Solar?
Community solar is when solar electricity is owned and shared by multiple customers while being produced in one location. A community solar farm primary purpose is to give customers the option to participate in renewables who cannot or don’t want to install the solar panels on their own property.
What are the options to participate?
Hastings will be offering 2 ways customers can participate; Ownership and Subscription.
1. Ownership gives customers the ability to purchase and own the panel. The panel will stay in the solar field and be maintained by Hastings.
2. Subscription allows customers to purchase solar shares each month to offset some of the energy they use each month.
Who can participate?
Anyone who gets their electricity from Hastings Utilities can participate.
What is the lifespan of the Community Solar Farm?
The lifespan of the farm will be 30 years.
Where will Hastings Community Solar Farm be Located?
Hastings Community Solar Farm Phase 1 will be located on City owned land west of Hastings Municipal Airport between well houses 34 and 35. Due to proximity to the airport the land has building restrictions that limit development. The existing public water supply wells limit what types of agricultural activities can take place on the land. This makes it an ideal location for a solar farm. The project has planted a native wildflower seed mix around the panels to establish ground cover and provide habitat for endangered pollinators.
What are the benefits of a Community Solar Farm?
Community Solar has many benefits for customers wanting to participate in renewable energy. The benefits of community solar include:
You do not have to be a property owner to participate
Avoids building codes and zoning restrictions
Avoids factors than can reduce power output such as trees, adjacent building, and roof configuration limitations
Benefits from economy of scale
All maintenance and insurance requirements are handled by Hastings
When can I start participating?
Currently the solar field is on schedule to be up and operating by the first part of September 2019. Pricing is established and Customer Community Solar Service Agreements are now available.
Can I participate in both?
Yes, customers will be allowed to participate in a combination of purchased panels and solar shares.
How much can I purchase?
A customer can purchase up to the solar equivalent of 80% of their annual kWh consumption.
What is the cost of each option?
Panel option
The cost of each panel is $384.00 The monthly maintenance charge is $.0062/kWh. You will also receive a fuel cost rebate of $.0213/kWh for fuel that was not purchased to generate that power.
Solar Share option
Each Solar share is 150 kWh at $.0301/kWh or one 1 share will cost $4.52 a month. You will also be credited a fuel cost rebate of $.0213/kWh or $3.20 a month for fuel that was not purchased to generate that power. The net different is $1.32/kWh.
What happens if the solar energy I purchase is greater than my electric bill?
If more energy is generated than used by the customer, the reimbursement will be at Hastings Utilities’ avoided generation costs. Avoided generation costs are currently $.015 per kWh. Any credits for a given month will carry over to a future bill. Accumulated credits will be reconciled at the end of each calendar year. More information can be found in the State of Nebraska’s Net Metering Legislative Bill 436.
What is the Fuel Cost Rebate that is associated with the panel and solar share options?
The Fuel Cost Rebate is a rebate back to the customer for the cost of fuel that was not purchased due to participation in the community solar farm. This rebate is subject to change annually as the cost of fuel (coal and natural gas) changes.
What is the Solar Maintenance Charge that is associated with the panel option?
The Solar Maintenance Charge is the cost for Hastings to insure and maintain the solar farm. The maintenance charge is fixed for the life of the solar farm which is 30 years.
How can I participate in Hastings Community Solar Farm Phase 1?
Simply fill out the Hastings Community Solar Farm Agreement form and return it to Hastings Utilities. Once all initial payments are made your solar rates will take effect in the next full billing cycle.
What can I do with my panels/shares if I move or no longer want them?
Solar Shares can be canceled at any time and pricing changes to your bill will take effect the following month.
Panels can be transferred to another HU electric customer by filling out a solar panel transfer form or sold back to Hastings Utilities at the panel repurchase rate given in Ordinance #4596. Repurchase rates can also be found in the Ordinance link on the website.
What happens to the renewable energy credits (RECs) from this Solar Farm?
Hastings Utilities will retire the RECs as the energy is used for the participants.
What happens to these panels in a hail storm?
The solar panels themselves are Tier 1, 72 cell, utility grade products. To qualify they must withstand a ninety-degree strike of a one-inch steel ball bearing at 55mph. While that does not seem to represent a large hailstone, the density of the steel and the ninety degree of the shot do represent a worse case scenario. With a dozen projects across Nebraska and South Dakota, consisting of thousands of panels, GenPro Energy Solutions has only replaced two panels due to hail. The Lexington and Gothenburg projects have both experienced recorded 90 mph winds along with hail with no ill effects.
For questions regarding any type of damage the panels will be fully insured by Hastings and costs covered through the Solar Maintenance Charge.
Can I take advantage of the Federal Investment Tax Credit?
Hastings believes customers that are participating in the panel purchasing options may be able to take advantage of the 30% FITC for 2019. However, Hastings does not offer tax advice and encourages customers to consult a tax professional for tax advice.
Who can I call if I have additional questions?
Please call (402) 463-1371, email Solar Energy Questions, or visit www.cityofhastings.org/solar for more information.