Hastings Public Library
Library and Makerspace Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-7 pm; Friday & Saturday 9am-5pm
InterLibrary Loan Service?
Interlibrary Loan service provides access to borrow materials not owned by the Hastings Public Library from other libraries. You may request books, audiobooks, CDs, newspapers on microfilm, and cake pans. Most items can be obtained within two weeks. When you make a request, staff will then determine whether to purchase and add the item to the Hastings Public Library collection or request from another library. (To request an item log in to your account or contact library staff.)
Do you offer proctored exams?
Call or visit the library to schedule a proctored exam. After your exam has been scheduled, you will need to contact your school and arrange for the exam materials to be sent to the library. Please follow up with the library to ensure that we have received the materials before you come in to take the exam. Please notify the library of any special requirements for your exam, such as a specific browser or software needed.
Does the Library have tax forms?
The library will have individual Federal and Nebraska State tax forms as they become available. Due to IRS budget cuts, the library will receive limited IRS forms but not instructions, schedules and related publications. The first 10 pages of printed tax forms are free. Any additional pages are $0.10 per page.
The library does not offer tax help, but staff members may direct you to an organization that does.
Does the Library offer printing services?
Library staff are happy to help you print what you need from a computer. Prints, black and white or color, are $0.10 per page. Prints from library computers are held in the system at the front desk. When you are ready to collect your prints, ask and pay the fee at the front desk.
The library also offers a self-service copy machine that is available for anyone to use. It accepts coins and bills. Copies, black and white or color are $0.10 per page.
Do you have public Wi-Fi?
The library offers free Wi-Fi in all public areas. To access the free wireless network, select the network name “HPL” under your device’s wireless settings.
Are there computers available for public use?
The library offers public computers with Internet access. You may either enter your library card number and PIN to log in, or receive a guest pass from the desk. Computer users are allowed up to two hours of use per day.
The computers are equipped with Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Please bring your own flash drive to save documents or files created on a library computer.
Users of the library’s public computers must comply with the library’s Computer Use Policy, prohibiting abusive or illegal sites.
What if I need help with a computer or other technology help?
One-on-one sessions are available with a staff person by appointment and may last up to an hour. You may book follow-up appointments if needed. Please call the library at (402) 461-2346 to set-up an appointment..
Learn about:
- Computer basics
- E-mail and Internet basics
- Online job searching and resume writing
- eBooks and other digital content
- Social media
- Library resources
- Personal devices such as eReaders, tablets, smartphones, and laptops
What is the microfilm?
The microfilm reader allows you to research the following material:
- Hastings Tribune dating October 2, 1905 through the current issue
- Census of the population in Nebraska: 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930
- City directories of the United States: Hastings 1891-1960 (sporadically)
The Hastings Tribune primarily covers Adams County Nebraska obituaries. Obituary requests may be made via phone, e-mail or in person. Patrons may use the microfilm reader at the library or have photocopies e-mailed or sent in the mail.
You may order microfilm through Interlibrary Loan. You may also bring in your own film to view.