New Subdivisions
Residential Subdivision Developer / Utility Participation Policy
Since the Board of Public Works recognizes growth and residential development as vital to the future of Hastings and believes strongly in operating Hastings Utilities in a business-like manner, be it therefore resolved that the following extension of utility services into new residential subdivision developments are hereby adopted:
Underground Electric Service:
- Hastings Utilities will initially bear all costs for engineering services and electric distribution system extensions into new residential subdivision/developments.
- The developer will be responsible for obtaining signed URD Developer Agreements from owners of lots sold in a platted subdivision that are not currently served with electricity. As an option, the developer may choose to pay the lien amount for the lot sold. If said lot is developed within the terms of the agreement, Hastings Utilities will refund the lien amount. It will be the responsibility of the developer to request refund payment of the lien amount in writing. If the new property owner does not sign the agreement, and the developer does not pay the lien amount, no electricity will be supplied to said lot.
- The developer shall be responsible for bringing secondary service to each residence from transformer, pedestal or trans-closure.
- The utility shall furnish meter sockets and meters.
- Determination of underground or overhead system shall be declared by the Developer prior to construction in new developments, subject to Hastings Utilities approval.
- Developer shall reimburse all utility costs within ten years of execution of agreement. If lots are sold and residence occupied within ten years, as determined by assessment for levy of real estate taxes by the Assessor of Adams County, the pro-rata share for each lot occupied will be waived.
- Developer must agree to enter into Real Estate Improvement Contract for Underground Distribution System (URD).
Natural Gas:
- At such time as the Developer has previously installed water, sanitary sewer and pavement into the new residential development, Hastings Utilities shall install at its expense, the gas main distribution system.
- Sizing of mains shall be determined solely at the discretion of Hastings Utilities in accordance with Utilities' plans and specifications.
Water Service:
- New residential subdivisions will have minimum 8" diameter water mains. Sizing of mains shall be determined solely at the discretion of Hastings Utilities in accordance with utilities' plans and specifications. The Developer will be responsible for costs up to 8" diameter, with Hastings Utilities responsible for additional costs associated with mains larger than 8".
- Developer agrees to pay, prior to installation, 50% of all associated costs including pipes, valves, fire hydrants, fittings, stub-outs, engineering services, etc.
- Developer shall reimburse remaining 50% of project costs when the lot is conveyed or upon expiration of five years from execution of agreement if lot is not conveyed.
- Developer must agree to enter into Real Estate Improvement Contract for Residential Water Distribution System (WDS-1 or WDS-2).
Sanitary Sewer:
- New residential subdivisions will have minimum 8" diameter sanitary sewer mains. Sizing of mains shall be determined solely at the discretion of Hastings Utilities in accordance with utilities' plans and specifications. The Developer will be responsible for costs up to 8" diameter, with Hastings Utilities responsible for additional costs associated with mains larger than 8".
- Developer agrees to pay, prior to installation, 50% of all associated costs including pipes, manholes, fittings, stubouts, engineering services, etc.
- Developer shall reimburse remaining 50% of project costs when the lot is conveyed or upon expiration of five years from execution of agreement if lot is not conveyed.
- Developer must agree to enter into Real Estate Improvement Contract for Residential Sewer Distribution System (SDS-1 or SDS-2).
- Hastings Utilities will initially bear all costs for installing any necessary multi-unit sanitary sewer lift stations to new residential sub-division developments. The Developer will have up to five years to reimburse all project costs of the installation, including engineering services to the utility. If lots are developed and residence occupied within five years, as determined by assessment for levy of real estate taxes by the Assessor of Adams County, the pro-rata for each lot occupied will be waived. Developer must agree to enter into Real Estate Improvement Contract for Residential Sewer Lift Station (SLS).
In all cases, at no cost to the utility, the Developer will provide the necessary easements, right-of-ways and final grades for the areas to be served by extension of utilities.
This policy is limited to new residential developments of fifteen (15) lots or less or a total front footage not to exceed 2,250'. Should the Developer at their option wish to exceed the aforementioned limitations, the Developer shall choose between two alternatives. Prior to installation into any lots exceeding the limitations, for all unfunded (Developer participation) percentages of installation costs, the Developer agrees to 1) purchase with a Hastings bank, a certificate of deposit in the name of Hastings Utilities with instructions that interest be paid to the purchaser of the certificate or 2) provide bond coverage for the unfunded percentage of installation.
All necessary developer contributions are due when an agreement is executed. Additionally, the ten-year time period for reimbursement of utility costs commences once the agreement is executed.
Procedure for Utility Services to a New Dwelling
Water and Sewer:
All water and sewer mains are installed by one of three ways.
- A District – The property owners are assessed the cost over a period of years.
- A developer installs the mains and the cost of the water and sewer main installation is included in the cost of the lot when you purchase it.
- Hastings Utilities, at Hastings Utilities option, installs the water and sewer mains, and the costs are recovered by the Out-Of-District Fee. This fee is based on the previous year's average costs to install an 8" main. This frontage fee is adjusted annually.
Frontage fees must be paid on the lot(s) where the building will be constructed prior to obtaining a building permit. Contact Tyler Waite, Coordinating Engineer to check if there are any water or sewer frontage fees due.
The installation of water and sewer services from the mains to the dwelling is the homeowner's responsibility and will be as set forth in the City of Hastings plumbing code. The above frontage fees do not include any tapping, meter, or service line charges. It is the responsibility of the homeowner and the developer to field verify the depth of the sewer main and/or sewer stub.
Gas mains are installed into a development along the street at no cost to the property owner. The only cost to the homeowner is for the service line from the property line to the meter set. This is installed by the Gas Department at $4.00/ft for service lines up to 1¼" in diameter and a $50 connection fee. Time and material will be charged for services 2" in diameter and larger. Contact Tyler Waite, Coordinating Engineer as soon as you plan to build, so you can sign an order form for the installation of the gas service.
The service will not be installed until the basement has been backfilled and the area tamped properly 3 feet each side of the proposed meter set location. This will give the Gas Dept. a solid base to install the new plastic gas service and meter. If a meter set sinks and has to be dug up, it will be at the expense of the contractor or homeowner. Four to six weeks notice is needed before the service will be installed, making it important to contact Hastings Utilities as soon as possible. No air conditioners or venting of appliances will be allowed above or 2 feet either side of the gas meter.
There are 3 ways for a service to be installed:
- Underground: In an area of established underground electric power the homeowner's electrician is responsible for furnishing and installing the underground cable from Hastings Utilities meter pedestal to the electric panel in the dwelling.
- Overhead: Overhead cable will be provided from a Hastings Utilities pole to the service entrance riser, on the building, at no expense to the owner. If more than one secondary pole must be installed, to reach the riser, the homeowner will be required to have the other pole(s) installed by their electrician.
- Underground in an overhead area: If an underground service line is preferred, instead of the overhead service cable, Hastings Utilities will set a meter pedestal, next to the existing power pole, for a one-time cost of $350.00. The homeowner's electrician is responsible for furnishing and installing the underground cable from Hastings Utilities meter pedestal to the dwelling.
Once it has been determined that utilities will be needed for the new dwelling, the owner must stop in the Hastings Utilities Customer Services Department to sign for the gas, water, and electric meters. This may be done as soon as the building permit has been issued so that there will not be a delay in getting service when it is needed. A deposit is usually required. No meters will be set until all gas, water, sewer, and electric systems have been inspected and tagged by the appropriate city inspectors.