WHPA Incentives
Wellhead Protection Area
Protecting public drinking water supplies by providing information about water quality issues like nitrates and other contaminants.
The Irrigation Management Incentive Program is intended to provide cost assistance for the purchase of equipment to assist in irrigation scheduling and water management. It is designed for the protection of groundwater by reducing overwatering and decreasing the potential for nitrogen leaching.
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The Soil-Sampling Cost Share Program is intended to provide cost assistance for crop land soil sampling analyses performed within the Hastings Wellhead Protection Area. Soil analyses provide vital information, such as Nitrate levels, for the proper management and safeguarding of the underground water supply.
The Septic Tank and Leach Field Abandonment Incentive Program is intended to provide cost assistance for the proper abandonment of septic tanks and leach fields. Unused and improperly abandoned septic tanks & leach fields pose a threat to groundwater.
The Well Abandonment Incentive Program is intended to provide cost assistance for water production wells. Unused and improperly abandoned wells pose a threat to groundwater.