Pipeline Purpose and Reliability
Hastings Utilities operates a Local Distribution Company "LDC" consisting of over 180 miles of primary main, ranging in size from 2" through 12" serving over 11,000 customers. Hastings has been delivering gas to customer homes since the 1940's.
We are providing this safety information as part of our pipeline damage prevention program to our customers and neighbors who live and work in the vicinity of our facilities. Please share this information with others.
Natural gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel. It moves silently, safely and efficiently through an extensive network of pipelines in our distribution system.
Natural gas pipelines are the safest method of transporting energy. They lie underground, virtually unseen as they deliver gas to our customers.
Although Hastings Utilities follows strict pipeline safety procedures, it is still important for everyone living and working near gas pipelines to know basic safety information.
While pipeline companies and employees across the nation are on a heightened state of alert, we continue to monitor and patrol the pipelines regularly via vehicles and on foot. Please call local law enforcement if you see anything out of the ordinary in your area. Together, we can take precautions that will keep Hastings safe.
Below are some reassuring facts about natural gas:
- Natural gas is not a poison or toxic.
- Natural gas is colorless and odorless in its natural state.
- Natural gas will not ignite on its own. To burn, gas requires both a precise amount of oxygen and an ignition source.
- Natural gas is lighter than air and will rise and diffuse rapidly.