Slots available, but limited for new, free HPL senior technology class

Space is still available, but limited for the Hastings Public Library’s free computer essentials class for seniors called Senior Planet. 

Three slots are available for the first Senior Planet class provided by the library, which received a $15,800 AARP Community Challenge Grant Check. The grant funded the purchase of 15 iPads and 15 Chromebook computers for the use of teaching seniors technology.

The class includes computer essentials such as turning on the computer, using a mouse, how to use the Internet, typing and social media basics. 

Registration is required for the class. To register, call HPL Programming and Collections Supervisor Samantha Rundle at (402) 461-2392 with the participant’s name; telephone number; and email, if available.

The five-week course will begin at 1:15 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Golden Friendship Center, 2015 W. Third St. The classes are 75 minutes in length. 

The class begins with a pre-course survey on the first day, followed by an introduction to the hardware and software.

Classes start May 14 and run until June 13. A graduation celebration will take place on June 18.

Rundle is one of two instructors for the class.

 “One of the main objectives of this program is to help anyone 50 and older feel like they have not been left behind with technology just because everything is online these days, from job applications to even your health information,” Rundle said. “We want to help get everybody caught up and feel comfortable and build some confidence.”

Published Date: 04/22/2024

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