Housing Authority

The Hastings Housing Authority is established with the powers listed in Nebraska State Statute §71-1572 et seq..  The Housing Authority is made up of at least five, but not more than seven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council.  These members serve a term of five (5) years. 

Meetings are held monthly.

  Date Appointed Term Expires
Deb Ross* 07/01/2021 07/01/2026
Scott Pauley 07/01/2022 07/01/2027
Amy Swayze 07/24/2023 07/24/2028
Leonardo Carranza 07/24/2023 07/24/2028
Wesley Hester 07/24/2023 07/24/2028

* Denotes Chairman
Denotes the filling of an unexpired term

Fore more information on this commission, please refer to Hastings City Code §2-617 and Nebraska State Statute §7101572 et seq..