Airport Advisory Board

Airport Advisory Board is a recommending body to the City Council on matters related to the Hastings Municipal Airport and its operation. This Board consists of five (5) members.  Of these members, one (1) shall be a licensed pilot, one (1) shall not have a pilot's license, and one (1) shall be a sitting member of the Hastings City Council. All members must live within the corporate limits of the city.

Meetings are held on a quarterly basis.

  Date Appointed Term Expires
Phil Beda 02/25/2024 02/25/2028
 Aaron Schardt  02/01/2025  02/01/2029
Brent Hoops 02/01/2023 02/01/2027
Jason Haase 02/01/2025 02/01/2029
Shawn Hartmann, Council Member 01/09/2023  

* Denotes Chairman
Denotes the filling of an unexpired term

For more information on the Airport Advisory Board please refer to Hastings City Code §2-700.